Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Unexpected call ..

2:15:00 PM
Got a pleasant surpsie when my long lost friend Syamala called up :). She's is Hyd, so will meet her tomorrow ...


Abhinav |

Plans for New Year

9:14:00 AM
Thinking of going to Dhola-ri-Dhani for the new year. Thats what happens when you dont have a couple :) .


Abhinav |

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Nothing to say .................

12:11:00 PM
Just a regular day with nothing much happening. Still feeling tired after the journey :(


Abhinav |

Monday, December 29, 2003

Back to Hyderabad

10:04:00 AM
Reached Hyderabad in morning after a literally back breaking journey. Sitting in the last seat of a bus for 12 hours is enough of a roller coaster ride.


Abhinav |

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Time up !

9:07:00 PM
Day 2 in Bangalore whizzed past....Had invited a few friends for lunch. This was followed by a visit to ashu's place. Then, after a cup of coffee at woody's - it was time to board the bus back to hyderabad


Abhinav |

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Nice Movie, Actually

10:58:00 PM
Today being my 20-sometihng bday, went to a movie in the afternoon, called Love, Actually. Was a nice. light romantic christmas comedy with a whole lotta love stories .. :)

This was followed by a few walks up and down the lifeline of Bangalore - Brigade Road, where else...:)

Moving around bangalore is more painful when compared to hyderabad. For one thing the roads in hyderabad are wider. Hence, traffic snarls are non existent - at least in the areas I move around ..Srinagar Colony, Hitec City .. Compared to this, Bangalore has a lot ot traffic jams as well as stops.

btw ..went back and saw Munnabhai MBBS for the 3rd time !!! (This time on vcd)


Abhinav |

Day 1 in Bangalore

10:26:00 AM
Reached Bangalore in the morning around 9. Trust Indian railways to be late...

Bangalore reailway station has a new eatout place called comesum. Was good, but a bit costly, what with 25 bucks for a Masala Dosa !


Abhinav |

Friday, December 26, 2003

On a break .....

5:10:00 PM
Leaving for Bangalore now ..will go by train round abouts 7.

Hope to be back by Monday morning ...


Abhinav |

Munnabhai MBBS

10:27:00 AM
Watched the movie Munnabhai MBBS for the 2nd time... on 25th.

The fact that I can see it once more indicates that it is a good .. great movie


Abhinav |

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Being Twenty-Something

11:05:00 PM
Got this fwd message today...

Seemed like a pretty long mail to read..but did read it completely. It is worth a glance ..

"Being Twenty-Something"

They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.

Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure. You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person.

One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap.

Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic.

You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender!

What you may not realize is that everyone reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out

Yes.. It does end pretty abruptly ....


Abhinav |

Happy Birthday ..!!

10:26:00 AM
Today is the bday of a couple of my friends ..

Divya celebrates her 20-something bday today..She's in Bangalore right now, working at ivega.

Wish her a happy bday and gr8 day(s) ahead :)

Rajesh, who is also a great cook, also has his bday today...Best wishes to him too.


Abhinav |

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I'm On ... !!

9:39:00 PM
Finally, after months (years ... ?? ) of procrastinating, my serious effort towards establishing my presence online begins ....!

A giant leap for (a certain) man, a small step for mankind .... ? :) ( Sincere Apologies to Neil Armstrong ..)

Still to come .... my web page :)


Abhinav |




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